Tuesday, October 26, 2010

How does this thing work again?

I know what you're thinking: Ooh...college girls. Yeah I'm sure they're just waitin' in line for a mid thirties, broke ass ex-construction worker. Besides, my wife is nearly 7 years younger than me and is just about all I can handle (in more ways than one). No, I really did go back to school to get ahead in life. No, really.
Which brings me to my first huge realization about the whole thing: my brain doesn't function the way it used to. If you could get inside my head and watch my brain work I'm pretty sure you would see poofs of dust and cobwebs swirling. If you've ever caught yourself mid-sentence trying to remember what you were saying, or find the most basic words suddenly elude you, then you know what I mean. Three hours later it suddenly comes to you: the word was "before". Really? That was the word I spent minutes trying to remember? If this sounds ridiculous you're not there...YET! I say yet because everyone inevitably experiences this embarassing phenomenon. There's no escaping it! You're getting older and eventually it will happen to you. The only comfort is in knowing that the "young punks" who seem so eloquent today will someday be standing in your shoes. Or maybe not, but you gotta' think that to get through it.